David Cortis osa


Reflections and Articles written by Fr David Cortis osa



The encyclical Laudato Si, published on 23 May 2015, on the Solemnity of Pentecost, is about the endearment of the common good, that is concerning creation and the environment. Try as you may, you will not find a quotation from St. Augustine in this encyclical …. not even a single one! So, you may ask me, why all this talk about the environment, creation, ecology, the encyclical and today the feast of St. Augustine?

Hawn jien Mulej, ġejt nagħmel ir-rieda tiegħek.

Hawn jien Mulej, ħa nmur kull fejn tmexxini għax Int sibtni f’posti

Lest biex nagħmel dak li jogħġbok.

Ħa nkun miegħek fil-mixi tiegħi

Għax kliemek, biex ma nibżax, iqawwini fi triqti 

How to respond to a call to the priesthood

God’s calls are made daily and not once only. Although some time back the loving God called me, he continues making this daily and in particular circumstances; in my case the call to priesthood was to join the Augustinian Order, following God through the footsteps of St. Augustine.

X’tixtieq minn ħajtek? Kif timmagina lilek innifsek fi żmien 5 jew 10 snin oħra?

Dawn kieku żewġ mistoqsijiet li nista’ ngħid li ċaqalquni meta kont affrontat bihom. Kienu żewġ mistoqsijiet li l-imgħallem tiegħi fuq il-post tax-xogħol kien staqsieni waqt business-meeting u evalwazzjoni personali. Kieku mistoqsijiet li ftit ħsibt fuqhom u allura injorajthom.


Hawn jien Mulej, ġejt nagħmel ir-rieda tiegħek.

Hawn jien Mulej, ħa nmur kull fejn tmexxini għax Int sibtni f’posti

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