The Secretariat of the Augustinian Missions (Amigos) has the purpose of informing the brothers of the Province and the lay people on the value of the missions and about the work of the Augustinian missionaries in the world. This Secretariat was set up upon the request of the missionaries themselves. The idea was born in 1993 in the convent of Sao Paulo in Brazil during a meeting of the missionaries working in that country. Father Mario Abela OSA who had worked in Brazil for a number of years was chosen to lead the project.
In 1994, Father Marion started gathering some young people that wished to make a missionary experience in summer. The first group was made up of eleven people. This activity kept growing in strength and every year groups of young men and women go to work in the missions. These young people receive training in the culture and language of the place. This training is given by means of meetings, live-ins, fund raising activities, programmes on the media, visits to parishes and other activities. The management of the Secretariat is entrusted in the hands of the members themselves.