Mario Abela

  1. When and where were you born?

I was born on 9th October 1952 and lived at Żabbar where I lived until I joined the Augustinian Friars.

       2. Which schools did you attend (primary, secondary, post-secondary)?

Primary at Zabbar and secondary at St. Augustine College, Pieta’. Thereafter I studied Philosophy in Malta and Theology in Brazil. In Rome I specialised in Moral Theology.

       3. When did you feel the call for an Augustinian life and what prompted you to follow this?

When I was at St. Augustine College. I remember that, during the year, we used to celebrate vocations day and, on these days, we were joined by the brothers who were preparing themselves for religious life with the Augustinians and, eventually, to be ordained to the priesthood. They used to talk to us about their way of life and how they were called to this. Those interested in obtaining more information were invited to a monthly meeting which was held at the home for youths in Rabat. During these meetings, and with help from one of these brothers, I started discovering what God had in mind for me.

      4. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I like walking in the countryside whenever possible or by the seaside.

      5. Can you tell us which interesting book you have read recently? What was it about?

I enjoy reading books that help me enrich my spiritual life, as also other books that enable me prepare myself for talks that I am called upon to make by the laity, nuns and youths. Presently I am reading a book by David G. R. Killer entitled “Desert Banquet”. This book is about the wisdom and teachings of those men and women who went into the desert seeking silence and to be far away from society and thus better to know themselves and also Jesus.

      6. Do you have a favourite quote or saying?

“Noone has more love than this; that one gives up his life for friends.” (John 15,13)

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