Sena Akkademika 2024

(Jannar – Ġunju 2024)

 L-Istqarrijiet ta’ S. Wistin u Il-Ħajja ta’ Wistin ta’  S. Possidju


Il-Ġimgħa 5 ta’ Jannar 2024 (6.00 – 7.30pm)

Ftuħ tas-Sena Akkademika 2024

Ċelebrazzjoni tal-Ewkaristija - Presjeduta mill-WR P. Leslie Gatt OSA


Daħla fil-qosor għas-Sena Akkademika 2024 - Prof. Salvinu Caruana OSA (Viċi-Pres./Direttur Ist.Agost.)


Il-Ġimgħa 12 ta’ Jannar 2024 (6.00 – 7.00pm)

Tnedija ta’ ktieb Wistin ta’ Ippona: Mixja ta’ ħajja u qdusija tal-Professur P. Salvinu Caruana OSA

Fis-sede tal-Istitut Agostinjan, Kunvent S. Rita, S. Ġiljan

 Jitħadded dwar il-ktieb il-Professur Salvinu Caruana OSA

Il-pubblikazzjoni tkun għall-bejgħ għall-prezz ta’ €15 (wara €20)


Il-Ġimgħa, 19 ta’ Jannar 2024

Prof. Salvinu Caruana OSA (Vice Pres./Dir. Ist.Agost.)

Daħla għall-Istqarrijiet ta’ S. Wistin, u L-Istqarrijiet ktieb 1: Għax int għamiltna għalik,

u qalbna ma ssibx kwiet qabel ma tistrieħ fik (1,1,1)


Il-Ġimgħa, 26 ta’ Jannar 2024

P. Francis Calleja OSA

L-Istqarrijiet ktieb 2: Imma jien, imsejken li jien, x’ħabbejt fik, ja serq tiegħi...(1,6,12)


Il-Ġimgħa, 2 ta’ Frar 2023

P. Pierre Desira OSA (Ass.Dir. Ist.Agost.)

L-Istqarrijiet ktieb 3: F’Kartaġni...fost ħafna mħabbiet ħżiena qisni ġo taġen jagħli u jfaqqa’ madwari...(3,1,1)


Il-Ġimgħa, 9 ta’ Frar 2024

Prof. Revdu Hector Scerri (Fak.Teol. UOM)

L-Istqarrijiet ktieb 4: Sirt kwistjoni kbira għalija nnifsi; kont nistaqsi lil ruħi l-għala kienet imnikkta...(4,4,8)


Il-Ġimgħa, 16 ta’ Frar 2024

P. Franco Grech OSA (Ist.Agost.)

L-Istqarrijiet ktieb 5: F’dik il-medda ta’ kważi disa’ snin li matulhom b’moħħi mxerred tajt widen għall-Manikej...(5,6,10)


 Il-Ġimgħa, 23 ta’ Frar 2024

P. Peter Paul Cachia OSA (Ist.Agost.)

L-Istqarrijiet ktieb 6: It-tifkira ta’ dak il-logħob baqgħetlu f’moħħu, imma saritlu duwa għall-ġejjieni tiegħu. (6,9,14)


Il-Ġimgħa, 1 ta’ Marzu 2024

P. Mario Attard Ofm Cap. (Ist.Agost.)

L-Istqarrijiet ktieb 7: Qabel xejn ridt turini kemm tieqaf lill-kburin u tagħti l-grazzja lill-umli... (7,9,13)


Il-Ġimgħa, 8 ta’ Marzu 2024

P. Adeodato Schembri OSA (Ist.Agost.)

L-Istqarrijiet ktieb 8: Warrabtni minn wara dahri, fejn kont qegħidt lili nnifsi biex ma nħarisx lejja...(8,7,16)


Il-Ġimgħa, 15 ta’ Marzu 2024

Onor. Imħallef (Emeritu) Silvio Meli (Ist.Agost.)

L-Istqarrijiet ktieb 9: ...u ma ridtx inħallihom jibqgħu jixtru minn fommi l-armi għall-gwerer fil-qrati tal-ġenn tagħhom...(9,2,2)


Il-Ġimgħa, 12 t’April 2024

Dottsa Ritienne Debono MD (Ist.Agost.)

L-Istqarrijiet ktieb 10: Dan hu l-ġid li nixtieq mill-istqarrijiet li nagħmel mhux dwar l-imgħoddi tiegħi, imma dwar il-qagħda tiegħi ta’ issa.(10,4,6)


Il-Ġimgħa, 19 t’April 2024

Prof. Salvinu Caruana OSA (Vice Pres./Dir. Ist.Agost.)

L-Istqarrijiet ktieb 11: Mela x’inhu ż-żmien? Jien naf x’inhu, sakemm ħadd ma jistaqsini x’inhu; imma jekk xi ħadd jistaqsini ma nkunx naf infissirlu...(11,14,17)


Il-Ġimgħa, 26 t’April 2024

Revd Dr Jonathan Farrugia (HOD Fak.Teol. UOM/Ist.Agost.)

L-Istqarrijiet ktieb 12: Inti ġa għidtli, Mulej, b’leħen qawwi li smajtu ’l ġewwanett f’widnejja... (12,11,11)


Il-Ġimgħa, 3 ta’ Mejju 2024

Revd Dr Jonathan Farrugia (HOD Fak.Teol. UOM/Ist.Agost.)

L-Istqarrijiet ktieb 13: Min se jifhem it-Trinità li tista’ kollox? Iżda min ma jitkellimx fuqha, jekk tassew fuqha jitkellem? (13,11,12)

Il-Ħajja ta’ Wistin ta’ S. Possidju, isqof ta’ Kalama (Vita Augustini - VA)


Il-Ġimgħa, 10 ta’ Mejju 2024

Ħjiel storiku dwar il-ħajja tal-qaddis Possidju, l-isqof ta’ Kalama (Guelma)

(Ktieb ta’ P. Salvinu Caruana OSA S. Possidju isqof ta’ Kalama. Il-Ħajja ta’ Wistin

(Malta: Provinċja Agostinjana, 2005, p. 26-34)


Il-Ħajja ta’ Wistin (ktieb kap 3.0, p.74-78)

P. Pierre Desira OSA (Ass.Dir. Ist.Agost.)


Il-Ġimgħa, 17 ta’ Mejju 2024      

Il-Ħajja ta’ Wistin (VA) (preġji u kritika) u l-Istqarrijiet ta’ Wistin, imqabbla

Revdu Prof. Salvinu Caruana OSA


Il-Ġimgħa, 24 ta’ Mejju 2024

Il-Ħajja ta’ Wistin – l-ewwel taqsima (ktieb p. 78-126)

Revdu Prof. Salvinu Caruana OSA


Il-Ġimgħa, 31 ta’ Mejju 2024

Il-Ħajja ta’ Wistin – it-tieni taqsima (ktieb p. 126-147)

Revdu Prof. Salvinu Caruana OSA


Il-Ġimgħa, 14 ta’ Ġunju 2024

Il-Ħajja ta’ Wistin – it-tielet taqsima (ktieb p. 148-177)

Revdu Prof. Salvinu Caruana OSA


Il-Ġimgħa, 21 ta’ Ġunju 2024 fil-5.45pm


On Wednesday December 13, the Augustinian friars met at The Santa Rita Priory in St. Julian's for a moment of prayer during Advent. Fr Martin Micallef ofm Cap led a reflection on the star that we find in the pages of the Gospel according to Saint Matthew. After a short break, the brothers gathered for adoration in silence before the Sacrament.

On Thursday 9 November a meeting was held for Augustinian laity at the Primary Campus of our College in Marsa. The meeting consisted of a welcome by Fr David Cortis, Rector of Saint Augustine College on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the beginning of the College, and afterwards Fr Mario Abela led a short time of Adoration and prayer for vocations, especially Augustinians.

Afterwards we had a social moment together where we shared some delicious snacks between us. We thank Fr David, Fr Mario, Fr Terence and the Augustinian Lay Provincial Commission, and Kevin and Lydia Vella, members of the Secular Augustinian Fraternity, for the contribution they gave to make the meeting beautiful for the glory of God.

The traditional feast of Saint Martin was celebrated in November in Baħrija. Various liturgical celebrations have been organized in the Church reaching various sectors of this pastoral zone. The celebrations reached their climax on Saturday 11 November through a solemn mass followed by a Procession with the statue of San Martin in the streets of Baħrija. The small statue of Saint Martin was made by Giuseppe Caruana in 1945 and restored by artist Aaron Camilleri Cauchi in the past months arriving back again in Baħrija just in time for  this year's feast.

The Feast of San Martin also brings with it the traditional fair that has been held in Bahrija for many years. The fair is organized by a number of Church volounteers who coordinate this activity and the initiatives that are organized. A good number of helpers also help throughout the year in the organization of the pastoral life of this area which is entrusted to the Augustinian friars of Rabat. 


On November 6, the Augustinian Family celebrates the remembrance of the departed Augustinian friars. On Monday 6th November in the morning the Prior Provincial, together with several friars, celebrated a mass in Saint Nicholas of Tolentino Church, Tarxien commemorating the deceased friars. In his reflection he spoke on: the beautiful memories that all these brothers have left us; the sense of gratitude that we should all express as we celebrate what our predecessors lived and accomplished; and above all, the faith and hope that should fill our hearts as Christians who are still going through the walk of life. After mass those present paid their respects by visiting the provincial graves, at Addolorato Cemetery .

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